x10 Leads in 3 Months

x10 Leads in 3 Months

18 Min to Read

10x increase in the AuC of organic digital channels in less than 4 months, reaching the mark of ~$1 million raised by marketing.

The Problem

The company had only one developed acquisition channel: the commercial outbound. In fact, it was an extremely strong and efficient channel, but it was not scalable.

Imagine that whenever you needed to increase your number of customers, you would increase the workload of your commercial team. PERMANENTLY. That is, you reach a point where you have reached the maximum productive capacity of your team and, therefore, you need to hire a new person. And this cycle continues…

So the problem boils down to: how to create an even stronger journey to acquire new customers and what would be the ideal structure for business scalability?

Yes, I had an idea of ​​what worked and what didn’t. Or at least that it might work. However, our team was small and I didn’t have that much time to test several things at the same time.

The Solution

And I proposed that we prioritize a digital acquisition strategy. And it made a lot of sense:

We already have a website and also a company profile on the main social networks;

The commercial team had different levels of seniority, paving the way for absorbing inbound leads;

Our CRM just needed a few tweaks to allow us to receive incoming leads and handle them throughout the entire customer journey;

💡 It was possible to qualify a unique SDR to manage the MQLs before turning them into SQLs.

💡 SEO was a very strong opportunity to gain space in the market, considering the company’s segment and our ICP.

And that’s what we did. The SEO strategy underwent an audit to optimize aspects of: architecture, content, speed and indexing. So we broadened our distribution by focusing on ranking some “middle funnel” articles on the first page of Google.

We had the help of an outsourced company to produce the articles, so we made all the main adjustments in less than two weeks and started to collect results.

The Results

At the end of the first month, we doubled our total MQLs. We grew +100% in just one month.

The second month was enough to double our traffic, which generated an increase of almost 3x in the number of forms received. Breaking the monthly record of leads generated in a single month.

The end of the third month was our peak of MQLs generated for the trading team, reaching the yearly milestone of MQLs in a single month. With only one strategy!

From there, we were able to focus on improving the structure of the inbound team to refine pitches and approaches to improve conversion rates.

Thank You For Reading!