Lost Deals Recovery

Lost Deals Recovery

18 Min to Read

Recovering lost deals with personalized email marketing campaigns.

The Context

Lost deals were more than just missed opportunities; they were insights waiting to be uncovered.

Delving deeper, reasons like product pricing, timing of approach, and common objections emerged as deal-breakers.

The Solution

A strategy was crafted, focusing on tailored and personalized communications. By leveraging both email and WhatsApp, we addressed each objection head-on.

The Sales Ops Team was instrumental in this initiative, ensuring every communication was on point and resonated with the potential customer.

The Outcomes

The strategy’s success was evident:

  • A 5% recovery rate might seem modest, but when translated to revenue, it was a staggering 6-figure in influenced sales revenue.
  • Feedback from recovered customers highlighted the need for even more personalization, with suggestions to harness AI for further improvements.
  • Plans were set in motion to increase lead qualification, reduce lead time, and optimize the lead nurturing and qualification steps, ensuring sustained growth and an even higher recovery rate.
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